Thursday, June 24, 2010


Amid the mass of responses to Barack Obama's "stand-up moment" in his firing of Commandant von McChrystal, a couple pretty much sums up the rot and uselessness of the current faux left in these United States.

From Mr. X, we have:
So here’s how I read the goat entrails. McChrystal was “taking one for the team” and setting Petreus up for a White House run while throwing the burning bag of poo that is Afghanistan on Obama’s doorstep. Obama’s recent public petulance made me think that he was about to angrily stamping all over the burning bag of poo in an effort to show “leadership” by firing McChrystal and putting in his own brand of boot-licker. That would have given him complete ownership of the Afghan mess while demonstrating his thin-skin and short temper for all to see. It is a perfect cocktail to fire-up the Republican base while sticking Obama with the Afghan failure — both with cries of a "stab in the back". It appears that the Obama people sniffed the poo in the burning bag and threw it right back where it belongs — in Petraeus’ lap. The only sensible thing to do was:

1. Regretfully accept McChrystal’s resignation
2. Appoint the only true expert in counterinsurgency we have, a true hero and patriot, David Petraeus, to salvage the Afghan operation for the national good
3. Put a less insubordinate general over Petreus

Now the Afghan war can claim two more casualties — the careers of Stanley McChrystal and David Petraeus (the military’s boot-licking enablers-in-chief of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, respectively) while it slogs on to the pull-out date. It remains to be seen whether Obama will have the stones to stick with the withdrawal date, or if his only trick is playing clever politics with the generals, but I’m glad to be able to feel good about something he’s done and plan to savor the moment.
Savor this as well.

Amazing. After 18 months of nothing but treachery and incompetence (actually longer, since Obama showed his cards the day after election with the appointment of Rahm the Fixer), there are actually sentient creatures still buying the Obama-Three-Dimensional Chess Act. Of course, it isn't just the betrayal of everything he ran on, it's this:

Some genius.

Following at the same site, we have Mr. Y:
The Rolling Stone article said that McChrystal voted for Obama (a rare act I'm sure for a General) and it was President Obama who gave Stan his "own war" to run. So, why would he now be part of a secret Republican conspiracy to put Petraeus in the White House while destroying his career?
Mr. Anti-Conspiracy Grown Up announces the destruction of Mr. Death Squad's career. Let's see how destroyed this prick's career is in about a year's time, when the US is forced to either bug-out or send in another couple hundred-thousand "war-fighters."

How did the "left" get to be so dumb? But then this isn't the left, is it?