Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Bernie Sanders, Revolutionary

The Saker:
Finally the SOB shows his true face, the face of an ultimate fake.  His appeal to identity politics also shows where his REAL values are, and that sure ain’t Socialism!
In the past, Bernie already showed his true face when he endorsed Hillary or when he backed the Israeli murderous attack on Lebanon (which, glory be to God, resulted in the “Divine Victory” of Hezbollah and arguably one of the worst defeats in modern military history for the Zionist entity).
I don’t like Trump any more than Bernie does, but I also realize that Trump is probably the main reason why we did not have a major war involving the USA (yet?), whereas Hillary and Biden are the ultimate pseudo-liberal war-mongers.  I can understand somebody hating Trump and voting for a real pro-peace candidate, but being anti-Trump and pro-Biden makes exactly *zero* sense. Yet Bernie Sanders is exactly that, proving his total hypocrisy which is now simply undeniable.
The entire debacle shows that what the USA needs is not a different, putatively better, president, but what the US State Department calls “regime change."
I am not a Socialist, but I do know Socialism and I have always felt offended when US Americans referred to Bernie, or even Obama, as “Socialists." This is utterly ridiculous and has no connection to reality.  There are NO real Socialists (of whatever variety) amongst US politicians and only a terminally brainwashed population can mistake folks like Obama or Bernie for “Socialists." Heck, some US Americans even believe that government bailouts of major corporations are also evidence that the US government is “Socialist”!  The lack of political education of most US Americans is nothing short of amazing.
Now you know why Socialism (nevermind Marxism or Dialectical Materialism) is never taught in the USA, not even at a college level (and when it is, it is mostly fake; Michael Parenti would be a pretty good teacher, but he is one guy in a huge system, so nobody hears his voice).
Okay so now we know that the pseudo-liberal pseudo-Left has now fully endorsed Biden. This just goes to prove that the entire Dem Party is, and has been for a very long time, a tool in the hands of the Deep State.
I would like to note that Trump succeeded in getting elected against the wishes of the folks who ran the Republican Party. This would be impossible in the Democratic Party, which just goes to prove that while both parties are corrupt to the bone, there is still some real diversity in the GOP. But the Dem Party truly walks in lockstep, hopefully towards its own death.
For the time being though, let us all rejoice in the fall of Bernie, the shyster and scumbag who tried to pretend that he was a Socialist while, in reality, being a safety valve for the Dem Party, a warmongering Zionist and a tool of the US Deep State. Bernie will go down in history as the ultimate fake.