Wednesday, February 4, 2015

What is to Be Done?

Imagine corporate news shill Brian Williams kidnapped by a leftist cadre, one that forces him to make a video presentation letting the world know how things really areL that's the premise of William Gerrard and Anya Meksin's "The Professor," a brave and necessary short from 2013. While its seventeen minutes end somewhat in political confusion (what human being these days isn't confused?), they scream for something to be done, something extreme.

As the professor, there is Betsy Brandt. While she'll always be remembered as the funny, strange, and heartbreakingly beautiful Marie Schrader of Breaking Bad, Brandt's the only working American actress worthy of 1930s romantic comedy. Lovely, fragile, tender, tough, super smart and crazy romantic, Betsy Brandt awaits her Cary Grant and Howard Hawks for a 21st-century remake of Bringing Up Baby.

She may wait a long time. . .

And speaking of news pimp Williams. . .