Saturday, September 11, 2021

Happy Anniversary!

To the U.S. War on the World!
Since  9/11, the United States government -- supported by a majority of the U.S. population -- has murdered:

1,000,000 Iraqis

400,000 Afghans

180,000 Syrians

60,000 Pakistanis

260,000 Libyans

8,000 Iranians

48,000 Yemenis

15,000 Somalis

Conservative figures all. And not counting those murdered by U.S. proxies (Israel, Ukraine, Georgia, Mexico, Columbia, Chechnya, the Phillippines, Indonesia). Also not counting "stateless" persons, foreign and domestic -- no doubt in the 100,000s -- who were just in the way or didn't pay the vig on time . . . or who died of broken hearts.

Current score: USA:          over 2,000,000
                        Evil Doers:        2,753

All right!!