Friday, October 9, 2009

Where's My Nobel Prize?

I realize the Nobel Peace Prize Committee has historically committed occasional acts of insanity. Arafat? Elie Weisel?? Henry Kissinger???

But what in holy heck has Barack Hussein Obama done in these past nine months to deserve this? There are almost as many US troops in Iraq (and certainly no lessening of the throat-grip the US has on the country), he's expanded the war in Afghanistan and brought it to Pakistan, he's let Israel punk him on settlements, Iran has blown up in his face (because he wants it that way), the Pentagon budget is again the largest in world history, and not one damned nuke has been destroyed. Besides sending thousands of storm troopers to Pittsburgh for the G-20. . .


But heck -- I want peace so much, and not just in the Middle East, but everywhere!!

Plus: people must stop chopping trees, fishing out the seas, driving SUVs, eating meat, slapping kids and they have to start walking their dogs more, being nice to their wives, husbands, parents and neighbors and pick up some litter, while singing and smiling and wearing way less polyester. And just so many other noble, Nobel things. More yoga for example, and fruit and veggies and up with local farming and let's have more respect for non-white people -- and white people and even Muslims and, what the hell, Jews too! And poor Africans. And cats and chickens and some bacteria, the good ones. But not viruses. Better schools, end bullying, free healthcare. All that and tons more of only good things. And everyone floss more and ride a bike.

Ok, my eyes are closed, hands are out: Prize, please.