Saturday, September 19, 2009


The guy's turning out to be a progressive's worst nightmare -- not only a sell-out but an incompetent sell-out.

Still, the idea that the anti-Obama corporate tools taking to the streets are not racists is idiotic.

The only difference between cracker midget George Wallace standing in the schoolhouse doorway and right now is the ability -- via blogs, hate radio and FoxNews -- to label good old-fashioned Klanism as "conservatism," "defense of freedom" and "taking back our country" (yeah, taking it back to 1840s Kentucky). Sure, Barry Goldwater tried it in '64, but that was before Ronald Reagan so the country wasn't completely stupid yet.

But the paymasters of the wad sure know what they're doing. If they can draw the line of "acceptable" ideology by labeling someone as racially unthreatening and as ideologically castrated as Barack Obama as some sort of combination of Hugo Chavez and Malcolm X (if only!), then what chance does a true progressive have?