Friday, February 10, 2023

Battling Wall Street

The best book yet written on John F. Kennedy's economic and domestic policies is Donald Gibson's Battling Wall Street. Out of print for 20 years and very hard to find, Progressive Press has just brought out a new edition (along with Gibson's superb sequel, The Kennedy Assassination Cover-Up). The book makes it clear: in the context of post-World War II US economic philosophy, JFK was a radical, a President who sought to circumvent the private money power by going beyond a Keynesian focus on demand by a dramatic industrial policy strengthening supply, not only within the United States but around the world as well -- a policy seeking to build-up national economies rather than destroying them, in order to retain a public / governmental control over each country's wealth. Post-Dallas, it moved entirely in the opposite direction, leading to the supranational world of vampire capital now destroying us all.

The great Len Osanic and Jim DiEugenio spoke with Donald Gibson for a brilliant 90 minutes. Grab the mp3 here.