Monday, July 19, 2010

'Tis a Pity, She's a Whore

I mean, do people actually like Rachel Maddow? Do they look forward to seeing that face or hearing that voice? Do they enjoy seeing just how far the pet can stray from the peg before the chain snaps back?

Watching her embed herself within the he-man/she-man duvet of Afghanistan was a truly revolting experience. Of course, it signals where Obama thinks he needs to go as the run up to the Democratic Debacle of 2010 proceeds. (Assuming Obama isn't trying to throw the Congress to the Republicans, a very interesting theory held by George Kenney.) It is clear that Obama and team have bet on the Kathryn Bigelow-level idiocy of the MSNBC wad; as well as betting that the disgusted left will take one of its regularly scheduled vacations. A good bet both ways; and really, what options are there for the still-hopeful or disgusted left?

David Walsh of WSWS on Lady Maddow's witching-hour.