Thursday, April 1, 2010

Leave the Gun, Take the Cannoli

As far as I'm aware, no part of the Catholic Church is currently engaged in the destruction of Palestinian culture, homes, women, children or old men. Nor is the Church part of the Holy WASP Capitalist Crusade -- led by a Jeremiah Wright-debunking conman -- against the world in places like Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan or Pakistan.

Still ~ the charges being made in the US media! (primarily by half-pimp, half-bitch and always illiterate Christopher Hitchens): truly worthy of some KKK pamphlet from the 1920s. Homosexuals and pederasts are in charge of the Catholic Church. "No official records exist," says Hitchens, "but informed speculation" (no doubt coming from the same speculators who wrote "Protocols of the Elders of Zion") "tells us":

Homosexual priests make up more than half the church
Men become priests in order to cornhole each other
Most priests are misogynists
Almost ALL OF THEM are drunks

I see.

Well, this sort of buggery has gone on forever, has it not? In the highest reaches of Zionism, Islamism, Hitchens' closet, and most certainly among:

Yale Skull & Bones
Oxford & Cambridge
The Council on Foreign Relations
The TriLateral Commission
Sullivan and Cromwell
The Carlyle Group
Lutherans, Calvinists, and Presbyterians
Methodists, Anabaptists, and Anglicans

And all the other WASP bloodsuckers who have caused the deaths of billions of people over the past few hundred years.

To define the Catholic Church by the likes of the current Nazi Pope and his fellow pederasts is like defining togetherness along the lines of the Manson Family. Why no mention of Liberation Theology and all the suffering it has tried to comfort these past 40 years? (In the face of virulent attacks from Rome.) The magnificent liberations throughout South and Central America are all Catholic-based, as is the continuing model of the Cuban revolution. The only administration in US history which stood up to the WASP National Security State was Catholic-based.

And the timing of this has always smelled. It reminds me of Chomsky's defense of government: "There's a lot of things wrong with government, but what the US Elites hate about it is what is right: that government is reachable and controllable by the people, that is it the only weapon available against increasing privatization and inequality." And the attempt to destroy the public face of the Catholic Church — a jihad coincidentally begun under the most extreme WASP war administration in US history, Bush/Cheney — emerged to try and destroy what is RIGHT about the Church: its remaining preference for the poor, its involvement with anti-war, anti-globalist, anti-capitalist movements across the world.

The differences between Christopher Hitchens and our current Rat Pope is that only one is a public drunk and only one bathes.