Sunday, March 7, 2010

Primping for the Pimp

Guess who the Master Villain of the Week is among our brave Pwogosphere? You know that brood, those iMac Sandinistas who basically adopt the following personality: "I'm smarter than you are. I'm more educated than you are. I dress better and have far better taste in music and movies. I'm cooler. My career is everything, plus I've memorized every episode of 'Lost'. I'm on my second divorce and my kids are everything, except when they're not. I Twit, Kindle, and Kopi Luwak. And you don't." Not exactly attitudes one wants in a Sierra Maestra foxhole. Yet they've gotten their high-and-mighties up this week about a new face of evil. It couldn't be the American Quisling Barack Obama or perhaps Israel-Firster and Intergalactic Incompetent Rahmbo Emanuel, could it? Has sexy Sarah Palin done and said something stupid again? Perhaps it was Beck or Limbaugh or Cheney who stepped in the fascist doo-doo this time.

No, it's none other than Last Man Standing, Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Huh, you say? Yes, Kucinich is being attacked all over the place at holes such as, DailyKOS, the Progressive, 538. Congressman Kucinich is the target because he doesn't seem to be going along with the program: Obama's assassination (in order to retain power) of everything Obama ran on in 2007 and 2008. So Kucinich voted against the shitty little "jobs bill" (nowhere near enough jobs with way too many tax breaks for business); he's campaigning against Obama's plan to make us all prisoners of the BigPharm/BigInsurance/BigHospital crime combine; and he's forcing a House vote on total and immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan (in order to put everyone on record).

So what's the problem? Isn't this what a true progressive should be doing in the face of resurgent reaction? Or are the Pwogs interested in something else? What has gotten their dander up?

Since it was obvious on Day Two of ObamaLand -- the day he appointed Sammy Glick as White House Chief of Staff -- that there would be no relation between candidate Barack Obama and President Barack Obama, the greasy pole climbers masquerading as mainstream media "leftists" would have to make a career choice: suck up to the sell-out. Or be a man. Dennis Kucinich is a man. Markos Moulitasas is a greasy pole climber. Life is wonderful when things are simple.

The great Chris Floyd has more on the circle jerk.

And on Dennis Kucinich's brave forcing of the Afghan vote.

The roll of honor.

Amy Goodman with the man himself.